VIN code: WBA3D3101FK277090
borrowed name : BMW 320d
year: 2015 model year
Year and month of first registration: 2015-02
fuel used: Via
gear type: automatic
distance driven: 92,408 km
Current type of vehicle ownership: individual
storage area: Seocho-gu, Seoul
What’s the 2015 BMW 320d like to drive?
- The good news is that BMW wasn’t making it up when it claimed to have retained the outgoing car’s ride comfort. Our M Sport test car came with adaptive dampers which cancel out the stiffer, standard steel springs set-up, and optional 19in wheels. They soften bumps and resist too much fidgeting over typical British road surfaces. They’re particularly well settled on the motorway.
- That’s not to say that this stiff car doesn’t buck and thump a bit over sharp-edged bumps, but most will consider the odd wince a fair compromise for the pointy-feeling handling you get as a trade-off. Turn in to a corner and there’s immediate and precise bite as you wind on steering lock (our car had the optional servotronic set-up to increase steering weight at high speeds), even if the weighting can feel a little unpredictable mid-corner, and overly heavy in Sport mode.