VIN code: WBAFHE106BL453310
car name: BMW X6 xDrive30d
year: 2011 model year
Year and month of first registration: 2011-09
fuel used: via
gear type: automatic
distance driven: 0 Km
Current type of vehicle ownership: individual
storage area: Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
- Powerful and fuel-efficient base engine, wickedly fast V8, capable handling, comfortable front seats, solid construction.
- Two-person backseat with limited headroom and no adjustments, small cargo area, hefty price, heftier weight, poor rearward visibility.
What’s new
- The X6 xDrive35i’s engine specs may look unchanged for 2011, but look closer and you’ll see that it has an entirely new turbocharged inline-6 that delivers the same power, but with better fuel economy. Both the 35i and unchanged 50i get a new eight-speed automatic transmission and a brake regeneration system, which relieves the alternator of fuel-sapping battery recharging.